Monthly Archives: February 2015

Yoga Teacher Training


I need your help!

After a year of contemplating and getting scared, then contemplating again and getting scared, I’m done letting fear rule my decision.  I’m going through Yoga Teacher Training this summer whether it breaks the bank or not.

I’ve been using yoga as “therapy” for a couple of years now.  I used to be the biggest worry wort on the face of the planet and yoga helped me gain a new perspective.  When I’m on the mat, I’m totally present (for the most part, at least…I’m not a robot) and I take that time to allow myself to let go of anything I was previously worried about.  Most of the instructors I take classes from (including Lesley Fightmaster on YouTube…her classes are amazing and I’m currently taking her 90 day challenge.  Check it out!) encourage you to “set an intention”  for your practice.  Many times, I chose to be present.  Because of that constant reminder to be present, I started taking it into my daily life and it started to become ingrained.  Two summers ago, I really started noticing how much more care-free I had become and it changed my life for the better.  

Because yoga helped me literally change my life, I would like to be able to spread that to other people by becoming a yoga teacher.  I may not end up being a good yoga teacher, but how will I know if I never try?  The experience can’t hurt me and, like Eleanor Roosevelt once said, We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot.
The yoga teacher training is a lot of money… I’m talkin’ $2,400, which is why I need your help.  I don’t make much as a paraeducator, and if you can help me achieve my goal, I would be forever grateful!  I’ve set up a Go Fund Me, and you can help me by donating here:

Katie’s Yoga Teacher Training:

If you cannot donate, all of your positive thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you and I promise my next post will include a recipe. 😉


Choice Organic Teas

Yes, I realize today is National Margarita Day, but the flu hit our house this weekend, so I’ll be talking about tea today

Have you or your family/friends gotten sick yet this year?  I woke up on Friday feeling like I was dying…shakes, aches, congestion, headache, weakness…. everything.  It was awful.  I’m feeling a lot better today, but that’s only because I did a lot of recouping:

1. Rest.  I’ve been in bed pretty much all weekend.  It’s important to give your body the break it needs when you’re sick. (Duh.)

2. Liquids.  Tons and tons of water and Gatorade.  I realize Gatorade is not a healthy drink, but it’s better than no liquid.  Drink as much as you can and then some.

3. Fever reducers.  I don’t typically condone over the counter pills, but I was burning up and couldn’t cool off, so I resorted to some Advil to get my fever down.

4.  Herbs.  It may sound silly, but I went to an acupuncturist who gave me a Chinese herb called Jade Screen and I didn’t get sick the entire time I was taking it (and I work with children!) Any time I felt something coming on, I took it and all of my symptoms were immediately gone the next day.  I ran out of the herb right before I got sick, and I’m convinced that’s the reason I’m in bed with the flu.  Pretty sure they’re miracle workers.  

5.  Tea.  Yes, I already talked about liquids, but I felt that tea needed it’s own category.  If you’ve heard of Ayurveda, one Ayurvedic remedy is to drink lots and lots of hot tea to work up a sweat to get out toxins (just like a sauna).  I mean lots… ¾ of a gallon of hot tea (12 cups).  Luckily, I received these Choice Organic Teas on Friday, the day the flu hit me.  I boiled 12 cups of water and added 5 tea bags.  I woke up Saturday feeling better already.

Now, let’s talk about these teas!  I’m a total tea freak.  I used to hate tea, but the health benefits were enough to get me over that, and the more you try something, the more you begin to like it.  Now, I love it.  I usually buy Dillon’s brand of tea, but I think I’ll be looking for Choice Organic Teas from now on.  I stuck with Dillon’s brand because (honestly) it was the cheapest, however, you can buy Choice’s teas for a very reasonable price.  I received Throat Cozy, Lemon Lavender Mint, and English Breakfast from Choice Organic Teas.  

Throat Cozy- although I liked this tea and it soothed my sore throat, it wasn’t my favorite because it tastes like black licorice and I’m not a huge black licorice fan.  If you are, you’ll love this one.  To me, this is one of those teas that you drink because you know it’s helping you.

Lemon Lavender Mint- 
this one goes down so smoothly.  It’s delicious and calming, perfect for right before bed or right after a yoga session.

English Breakfast- I’m a huge fan of English Breakfast teas, but I’ve tried so many horrible ones that I’m leery of them.  This one is fabulous.  No bitter aftertaste or weird slimy feeling in your mouth after drinking it.  It goes down just as smoothly as the Lemon Lavender Mint.  It’s the perfect drink in the morning when you’re sick and can’t stomach drinking coffee, but still want a little energy boost.

If you really want to be sure about the purity of the tea you’re drinking, choose Certified Organic. Even teas billed as “natural” can contain pesticides. Look for the USDA Organic logo on the package to ensure you are drinking the real thing.
In addition, if you are trying to avoid GMOs in your food, keep an eye out for GMOs in your beverages! When choosing your tea brand, look for the non-GMO Verified logo on the packaging to ensure there are no artificially manipulated ingredients in your tea, coffee or other beverages.Did you know that some teas can contain gluten, too? If you are watching your gluten intake, pay attention to sneaky ways gluten can enter your diet. Be sure to look for tea products with the GF logo indicating Gluten Free certification.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Are you a tea drinker?  How do you take your tea?  I drink mine with a teaspoon of raw honey.

Pasta Puttanesca

If I had to pick a favorite pasta recipe, this would be it.  Not only is it really simple, but it’s healthy and the ingredients all compliment each other well.

My mom used to make this all the time when I lived at home and I always looked forward to it.

If you’re looking for a quick dinner tonight, this is it.  It’ll be done in 30 minutes!

Recipe from: Food Network


8 ounces spaghetti
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced (or not)
1 tablespoon dried parsley flakes
¼ cup pitted, chopped Greek olives (I used Kalamata)
2 tablespoons capers
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes
¼ cup grated Parmesan
salt and pepper to taste


1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add pasta and cook according to the directions on the package.
2. While the pasta is cooking, heat the oil in a large skillet over a medium flame. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the parsley, olives, capers and oregano to the skillet, and saute for 2 minutes more. 
3. Add the tomatoes and simmer for about 5 minutes.
4. When the pasta is al dente, add it to the skillet and mix with the sauce. Top with grated Parmesan.

S’mores Quest Bar Fudge


I’ll admit it… I don’t really care about the Super Bowl. Sorry. But, I do care about food and what better opportunity to make food than for the Super Bowl?

I got some Quest S’mores Bar in the mail a while back from Quest Nutrition and after trying one (toasted.. in the toaster), I had no idea what to make with them because they are SO good on their own. This is why it’s taken me over a month to finally create something. I decided that it would be a good idea to add a healthy snack to our full day of junk tomorrow.

This S’mores “Fudge” is not only super healthy, but it’s also super easy.

I will admit, although I love Quest Bars, there will always be a sucralose-y aftertaste that I can’t get over. However, if that doesn’t bother you, then you will love these bars. That aside, I think these are one of my favorite Quest bars.

S’mores Quest Bar “Fudge”


1/3 cup coconut oil, melted (I melt it by placing the jar in hot water)
¼ cup of cocoa powder
¼ cup raw honey, melted
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 Quest S’mores Bar, chopped into little pieces


1. Mix together all of the ingredients.
2. Pour into an ice cube tray.
3. Place in the fridge until hard.
4. Pop one out whenever you want a snack!
