Category Archives: 3 Ingredient recipe

Single Serving Cake Batter Popcorn



Every time I’m on foodgawker and I see sprinkles, I always click on the link.  It’s an instant reaction that I’m pretty sure I have no control over.

Cake batter is my favorite flavor (besides coconut) so I’m always trying to flavor things with cake batter.  Even Especially things that shouldn’t be cake batter flavored.  Most of the time it works out, but I will tell you that some things were not meant to be cake batter flavored.

Popcorn, on the other hand, is not one of those things.  I was a little weary when I got the idea, but I followed through with it and it worked.  I mean, why wouldn’t it?  Caramel corn is a thing… and now cake batter popcorn is a thing.   I bet Kernel’s Seasons next popcorn flavor will be Cake Batter.

This is seriously the easiest recipe ever, so nothings stopping you from making it… do it!

What’s your favorite popcorn flavor?







Single Serving Cake Batter Popcorn


1 mini popcorn bag
1 tablespoon coconut oil or butter
2-3 tablespoons cake mix of your choice (I picked Funfetti.. it’s those sprinkles!)
Optional: sprinkles


  1. Melt butter or coconut oil in a small bowl or cup and stir in cake mix until combined.
  2. Pop popcorn following instructions on the bag.
  3. Pour cake mixture over popcorn, stir, and enjoy!
