Category Archives: Cake Mix Cookies

Cake Mix Cookie Balls

The other day, my dearest friend Brandon tried some homemade cake mix cookies that I made and proceeded to tell me that he couldn’t decide if he liked those better or the cake balls I make… so I made a combination.  Plus, these are one of my best friend JORDAN’S favorite desserts and she’s home from college this weekend! 🙂

It kind of lead to a series of disasters in the kitchen. 

I was trying to make granola at the same time as these cookie balls and I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

First of all, my cake mix cookies definitely didn’t turn out as well as last time.  They turned out more like cake, so although the finished product was delicious, it kind of defeated the whole purpose of my little experiment.  I’m not even really sure what I did wrong because they turned out great last time!  I’m thinking I used too much milk…

Then, while trying to multitask, I spilled my granola alllll over the floor and counter!

I also didn’t realize how many cake balls I was getting myself into… yiiikes!  It took probably an hour and a half to coat all of them.  Wooo!! Quite the day, but, like I said, these turned out really well and they’re made completely from scratch!

They also turned into a delicious trifle that I’ll be posting soon… 🙂

What are your worst disaster stories in the kitchen?

Cake Mix Cookie Balls

*The recipe obviously needs a little tweaking since mine turned out cakey-er than I would’ve preferred, but this is my recipe I used. 


1 recipe Homemade White Cake Mix
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup oil
1 batch White Chocolate Frosting
1-2 packages almond bark (I used one vanilla, one chocolate)  depending on how much you use
2 tablespoons oil, depending on how much almond bark used


1.  Heat oven to 350 degrees.
2.  Mix all ingredients until incorporated.
3.  Drop by tablespoonfulls onto a greased baking sheet.
4.  Bake for 6-8 minutes.
5.  Wait for cookies to cool, then break them all apart and put them in a large mixing bowl.
6.  Mix frosting with cookies.
7.  Roll into your choice of size balls (I used a small melon baller) and place in freezer for about 30 minutes.  This will help the dipping process.
8.  Melt one package chocolate with 1 tablespoon oil.
9.  Dip chilled balls in melted chocolate.